Custom T-SQL Functions

The purpose of this post is to make known some functions, which do not exist natively in SQL Server and which I usually use in SQL Server. First I highlight the dbo.CleanString function, which aims to clean up special characters that are “hidden” in a string such as commands like the ENQ (Inquiry) character. When you execute a query and export it to Excel, the Excel app crash or it completely deform the structure of the Excel workbook cells.


In second place, I highlight the dbo.Split function which, as the name implies, it divides a list of text in a string, separated by a separator into a resultset with as many rows as the separate records. See some exemples blow:


Thirdly I use the dbo.UDTToLocalTime function that dynamically converts a UTC time date to a Daylight Saving Time Date. Very useful whenever it is necessary to compare dates between several periods that encompass different Daylight Saving Time, with date records stored in UTC. Here’s Bobman’s original version on StackOverflow. I’m using this same function at least in 2 diferent reports that compare some UTC DateTime in Portugal (GMT).

You can find on GitHub some of the examples of functions I sometimes need to use in SQL Server instances of functions that do not exist in transact sql.

Written on December 12, 2016