
Hi there! I’m Helder Viana and I’m a typeof(developer). I have worked as a developer and a DBA for the last years, mostly focused on .net development (C# and vb.net [yes, I’m Ok working with vb.net]) and T-SQL. Right now my main tecnhical skills are related to Microsoft ecosystem and the development in .net and T-SQL.

Early days

It all started during my childhood in the afternoons spent playing Pac-Man in my father’s work. This was my first contact with computers. The game was very lively and fast, I remember myself, and the OS I’m sure it was DOS… years later here I am on the other side of the barricade developing software as if there was no tomorrow.


Since 2008 I work in the area of ​​IT, started as a PHP developer, then I worked on some website projects and CMS’s, moustly as a freelancer. In 2009 I started working in a new project a WMS that we used to use internally in the company where I currently work. However, I got involved into ERP development (PHC), namely in Visual FoxPro (yes I know, that language is dead, by the way when I started working on Visual FoxPro it was already dead and discontinued by Microsoft). At the same time I was developing in .Net (I confess, at first I started with VB.Net, yes “it seemed to me” simpler and more intuitive). In Concurrent I always kept the work with T-SQL, basically it is our Single source of truth, so I used to be one of the guys who build some fancy t-sql reports. After this adventure in FoxPro, the company where I worked changed ERP, we started using Dynamics NAV, I had to adapt to C/AL, the NAV native language and I started to learn who to develop in C/AL. Currently I’m more dedicated to the development of application interfaces, for this I use .Net, but this time, I stay for C#, it is fast, efficient and gives the job done. Now a days I work with SOAP services, REST services, MVC web app’s, IIS, NAV and a bunch of other stuff, soon I hope to star using REDIS and containers technologies, to start designing webservices in Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) style. Today I work as senior .net developer and I’ve been working with vb.net, C# and with .net core. On my spare time I try to improve my linux skills with my 2 Raspberry Pi’s and docker.


I learned to recognize that my main purpose in my profession is not just to write code (and I love it), I love a good challenge and what I like most about this profession is to be surprised with problems and to be able to solve them. Problem solving is my ultimate goal, for that I can write code, design software, design procedures, design strategies, but the main purpose is to solve problems. I’m a problem solver.

Contact me

helderviana [at] outlook.pt

MVA Certification

Here you can find some courses that I completed in Microsoft Virtual Academy (MVA) in the last years. My learning plan has a lot more, but it has been complicated to finish them.

Professional Path

My professional path is (kind of) up to date, so you can follow the linkedin link at the footer of this page.