Install dotnet core in Raspberry Pi 4
Raspberry Pi
I recently bought a Raspberry Pi 4, I installed it Raspbian Linux, derived from Debian and without graphical environment, on a 32 Gb micro SD card.
I recently developed a dotnet core command line application, and I needed to run it on my Raspberry Pi, using a cron to automate its execution. In order to run the application I had to install dotnet core on Raspberry. In this post you’ll find all the steps I performed to do it.
Download dotnet core for ARM
First you’ll need to download the 32 bit binaries for linux ARM. My option at this time was on dotnet core 2.2.
to download the SDK
to dowload the Runtime
Usually I do this with root user and inside one download folder, that then I can delete the old .tar.gz files.
time to install it
My option is to install it inside one folder accecible by all users, in /opt/dotnet
, because later I plan to create one technical user, with low level access to run the cron job with the app.
sudo mkdir /opt/dotnet
sudo tar zxf dotnet-runtime-2.2.8-linux-arm.tar.gz -C /opt/dotnet
sudo chmod 777
sudo tar zxf dotnet-sdk-2.2.207-linux-arm.tar.gz -C /opt/dotnet
Then to make sure that all users can call dotnet I run the following:
sudo ln -s /opt/dotnet/dotnet /usr/local/bin
check the version
Make sure it is intalled and check the version/info about the dotnet core version installed.
dotnet --info
After run all those steps dotnet core 2.2 was installed and running (for all users) in my Raspberry Pi 4. My personal option was on 2.2, but if you want to install one 2.* version, maybe you should use 2.1, as it is a LTS version, otherwise you should consider 3.1, as it is the current LTS version.
next post
So probally my next post on this topic will be on how to upgrade dotnet core 2.2 to dotnet core 3.1 in Raspberry Pi (ARM 32).