
Adeus SBSR: A Minha Despedida da Rádio Indie no Porto

Desta vez, volto a escrever em português. O tema não é particularmente tecnológico, mas sim cultural—algo muito pessoal para mim. Hoje partilho um pouco do que era o meu dia-a-dia radiofónico, ou melhor, do que eu ouvia diariamente. Vivo no Porto e tinha o privilégio de sintonizar o auto-rádio em 91.0 MHz, que até 30 de setembro de 2024 foi a frequência da rádio SBSR na cidade. Esta era a banda sonora das minhas viagens de carro. No entanto, a SBSR foi vendida à Media Livre e deixou de emitir a música indie a que tanto me habituei.

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AMA Alvo de Ciberataque

O que se passou?

A Agência para Modernização Administrativa, AMA foi alvo de um cyber ataque, assim como a sua infraestrutura, alguns dos seus serviços foram impactados na quinta-feira 2024-10-10, como o seu website e os serviços de autenticação com a Chave Móvel Digital, durante a tarde dessa quinta-feira.

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CrowdStrike workaround to bypass BSOD boot loop

What’s the issue?

Recently on 2024-07-19, CrowdStrike released an update (apperently in the endpoint software solution) with an update that is now causing BSOD (Blue Screen Of Dead) in the Windows 10 workstations and also Windows Servers (no version reference yet) at a global scale incident. The machine keeps trying to Boot, and looping with a BSOD, due to the update deployed.

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OpenDNS e os Portáteis da Escola Digital


Serviço indisponivel em Portugal

Recentemente o fornecedor de DNS, OpenDNS deixou de estar disponível em Portugal e em França, devido a 2 ordens judiciais para bloqueio de pirataria, no caso português estamos a falar do Artigo 210-G(3) do Código de Direitos de Autor Português. Podem verificar isso, usando a ferramenta dig, para tentar resolver algum endereço, usando os DNS do OpenDNS, como é o caso do ip . O próprio OpenDNS noticiou esta decisão no dia 28 Junho, podem ver no site oficial.

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Install dotnet core in Raspberry Pi 4

Raspberry Pi


I recently bought a Raspberry Pi 4, I installed it Raspbian Linux, derived from Debian and without graphical environment, on a 32 Gb micro SD card.


I recently developed a dotnet core command line application, and I needed to run it on my Raspberry Pi, using a cron to automate its execution. In order to run the application I had to install dotnet core on Raspberry. In this post you’ll find all the steps I performed to do it.

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I found one street in Paris with my name

Rue du Helder in Paris

I usually travel a lot to Paris for work (the HQ of the company I work for is in Paris) and last April I went as usual to Paris and by chance I found one street with my name in Paris! It was very funny to find out a place with my name in there. _config.yml

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.net reads February 2019

.net reads

What is .net reads?

.net (dotnet) reads is some kind of monthly writting topic that I would to like to do on my personal web page. I’ll try to write a few more times to share with you something about the .net ecossystem that I might find interesting and that some other people that I know/follow may be also writing about.

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The History of .Net - by Richard Campbell

The History of .Net

by Richard Campbell

One of this days, one of my collegues in a .net team in the company I work, shared in Yammer the video about the History of .Net by Richard Campbell (yes Richard Campbell from .Net Rocks podcast). It is one video with almost one hour all about the Microsoft ecosystem and how the .Net stack began. The video is hosted on Vimeo and I share it below. If you work with .Net (C#,, F#) and with Visual Studio this is obligatory, to understand the history of Microsoft, allong with the development comunity arround Microsoft and of corse Visual Studio and .Net stack.

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The Blogs that I'm reading.

Reading Blogs

This and last week I was reading some technical blogs, some of them are related to work that I’m doing, some of them are sugestions that apeard on my twitter account and some of them are the result on the search of some technical subjects that I’m interested on.

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New Job

New Year New Life.

This is undoubtedly one of the best known Portuguese sayings. This year it was me, with the beginning of the year (well, in fact it was in December) I started a new professional challenge. Until November 2017, I was working in a medium-sized company, as a developer. I spent about 9 years (rounded up) there, when I went there I started working on a project to develop a WMS (Warehouse Management System) as a junior developer in php and when I finished functions in November I was was the group’s application manager, main programmer DBA , release manager, among other functions.

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The road to SSL

One of these days I started the long road to the SSL migration in my personal blog (yes, this one). I have read quite a few articles (blog posts) on this subject (especially some articles that describe the migration). I started to investigate what I could do in a scenario like mine (Github Pages) and then I did some case work, first I was seeing the certificate providers, in my case the budget is not so much, not to say that there is no budget available for this little project. So only 2 alternatives have remained: Cloudflare and In my case, this page is available by github pages, so I chose to use the cloudflare service to enforce the ssl certificate and since I use the service, I also created a Cloudflare certificate and applied it to this web page.

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Build a Bot with .Net

This is my first experience building a bot and it happened by chance and as proof of concept for future applications. At this moment my language of choice is C# and as such I went looking for some framework that I could use in .Net I ended up by comparing the Microsoft Bot Famework, still in preview, but I decided to try and download the template for visualstudio. After installing the template I created a new project and then I downloaded the Emulator to be able to test it. In Visual Studio I could run an http RESTfull api service with a couple of methods available to be used by the emulator.
Then I started to build the application logic according to the MVC methodology and a couple of api integrations with services to query the Weather and to query Tech Jobs and Thech Meetings in Portugal (yep the .pt tdl is for Portugal) and to get Bitcoin exchange stocks. It has some logic stored in instructions on the DataBase, that can be can be easily configured
It is not so fancy as it looks like when I say Bot but it is a starting point to start working with bots. For now this bot is not an AI experience (yet) but it could be in the future.
After that I hosted it in an Azere app services, then I configured the bot to be used by web applications and Skype, since then I have been using it on my skype and doing several tests.

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Custom T-SQL Functions

The purpose of this post is to make known some functions, which do not exist natively in SQL Server and which I usually use in SQL Server. First I highlight the dbo.CleanString function, which aims to clean up special characters that are “hidden” in a string such as commands like the ENQ (Inquiry) character. When you execute a query and export it to Excel, the Excel app crash or it completely deform the structure of the Excel workbook cells.

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My fresh new SSIS Lab

I just finished installing my new SQL Server Integration Services (SSIS) lab. The aim of this new laboratory is to provide all the necessary tools for the exercises and tests for my next exam 70-463 for the SQL Server MSCA certification.

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You're up and running!

Next you can update your site name, avatar and other options using the _config.yml file in the root of your repository (shown below).

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