Upgrade dotnet core in Raspberry Pi 4

.Net Core 3.1


I recently installed dotnet core 2.2 in my Raspberry Pi 4, as you can see it in my previous post.


Now it is time to upgrade it to run the most recent LTS version, that for now is .NET Core 3.1.



Make a copy of the 2.2 dotnet install

First of all, I start by doing a copy of the previous instal. It was installed under /opt/dotnet, so I create a new folder in /opt/dotnet_2_2_207/ and copy all the content to this new folder.


Download dotnet core for ARM

Now it is time to download the latest 3.1 version for ARM 32, available on dotnet core 2.2. I want to install the Runtime and th SDK, so I need to download both of them.


to download the SDK

wget https://download.visualstudio.microsoft.com/download/pr/d9a0b670-88f8-44ac-a6b1-9020c783c518/8bbec2b438275789bc1dbc95b8f89adf/dotnet-sdk-3.1.109-linux-arm.tar.gz

to dowload the Runtime

wget https://download.visualstudio.microsoft.com/download/pr/7c1177f6-feb9-4404-a795-adb77e78b9ab/d3ca4e135e1af71bea28623774f8df27/dotnet-runtime-3.1.9-linux-arm.tar.gz

Usually I do this with root user and inside one download folder, that then I can delete the old .tar.gz files but this time I run it with pi user, using the sudo option.

time to install it

My option is to install it inside one folder accecible by all users, in /opt/dotnet, because later I plan to create one technical user, with low level access to run the cron job with the app.

sudo tar zxf dotnet-runtime-3.1.9-linux-arm.tar.gz -C /opt/dotnet
sudo chmod 777
sudo tar zxf dotnet-sdk-3.1.109-linux-arm.tar.gz  -C /opt/dotnet

check the version

Make sure it is intalled and check the version/info about the dotnet core version installed.

dotnet --info

After run all those steps dotnet core 3.1 was installed and running (for all users) in my Raspberry Pi 4. I use a personal user to my daily work on my PI, and some technical accounts to run some cron tasks, that also run .net core apps. _config.yml

Some References:

Written on November 8, 2020